
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Disabled American Veterans Essay example -- History, War, Veterans

Serving those who dedicate served (About handicapped American Veterans 1). This is the mission statement of the DAV, or the modify American Veterans. The DAV helps thousands of disable American veterans in their life after war.A canvas taken in 2009 found out that there are 21,900,000 American veterans. 5,500,000 of the American veterans are disabled (American Veterans By the Number 1). Only 1,200,000 disabled American veterans are members of the DAV (About Disabled American Veterans 1). Building Better Lives for Americas Disabled Veterans (DAV 1).The DAV was founded when our country was struggling with the effects of World War I. American veterans that came home(a) from World War I started the DAV in 1920. A lot has changed in the last ninety-one years, but the wounded and sick from the wars still requirement the DAVs help in life cope with their disabilities (Wars & Scars 1). In 1932 the DAV was deemed the official enunciate of the nations wartime disabled veterans ( About Disabled American Veterans 1). The DAV have numerous missions in helping the veterans. Some mission statements are Providing a body structure finished which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs (Mission Statement 1), Extending DAVs mission of hope into the communities where these veterans and their families brisk through a network of state-level Departments and local anesthetic Chapter (Mission Statement 1), and Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widows and spouses, and their orphans forward Congress, the White House, and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government(Mission Statement 1). Providing outreach concerning its program services to the Am... ... a Board of Directors and an executive director Committee. The Disabled American Veterans plans to provide health care, transportation, unique rehabilitation, and get the veterans a voice on Ca pital Hill. Both disabled American veterans and the families of the American veterans can receive help from the DAV. Volunteering is a big part of the backing of the DAV, and the volunteers can be nominated for the Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship. The Disabled American Veterans is partners with many other places to provide special events for the veterans like at Golden Corral give veterans free meals on Military grasp Mon daylights. Another way the DAV gets funding is through donates from people. With all the help the DAV gives to veterans, the DAV makes day to day life easier for the veterans. Of the five million disabled veterans, the DAV provides help to the veterans.

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