
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Persusive Essay

Persuasive Es offer I believe Marg atomic number 18t Drabbles rehearsal, Our need to conform is spaciouser than our respect for objective particulars, to be quite aline. with pop history, mountain of each ages have trusted to be accepted and travel to a convocation rather than look at the facts and measure what is true and false. It is very evident in our society today that not unaccompanied do we want to be accepted and belong, unless we also ar bequeathing to do whatever it takes, no result what the consequences turn out to be. I agree with Drabbles statement and believe that it is true all around the world.If you were to mistreat outside our society and look back at it objectively, I scum bag assure you that you would see evidence of this. No matter what age, gender, or ethnicity, people be always going to have the bank to fit in with and belong to a certain clique or group of people. From my observations, people are involuntary to do al round anything if it instrument that they will feel want they belong somewhere, no matter what the facts are. group membership is an extreme, but valid, case. To be initiated into a plurality, you must look beyond the facts and consequences of what could happen to you, and do whatever it takes to get in.This could involve taking a persons bearing, robbing a store, or doing other illegal things, but if it means becoming part of a family, as the leaders phone call it, or just getting the same tattoo as everyone else, and so many people are willing to take the risk and do it. Today, a lot of young people brush aside the fact that they could end up facing serious criminal charges and spend the nap of their lives in jail. They seem heedless not sole(prenominal) about the depravity of taking a feel, but also about how they are downfall their own lives. They are often aware of the facts, but choose not to listen.Gang leaders tend to manipulate the minds of those wanting to join a gang into thinkin g that nothing bad could happen to them if they were to become part of the family. Often, simply former gang members have the street cred to get through to potential gang members concerning what they are getting into. Any objective perceiver of the situation could easily point out the dire consequences, but only a limited number of people have even a small chance of deterring potential gang members. To feel part of a clique or group can be a great feeling and that is usually why we do what we do in the archetypical place.I am convinced that not a lot of people can really say that they have never felt this way before. We are taught at a young age to resist peer crush and to say no, but as we grow up it gets harder and harder, especially during the jejune years when, if you do not do as everyone else does, thence you will face discrimination. High school is one of the places where this happens everyday. I can say from first-hand experience that I used to be one of those people wh o were willing to do whatever it took in order to feel like I belonged.Many kids are aware of the facts about what lies ahead, but just choose to pretermit them because of feeling the desire to be accepted at all costs. If kids are given the option to stay at home Saturday night and sphere for a test or go out to a troupe where the most popular kids will be, most will choose the party. It does not matter that Sunday morning the chances of having a hangover and not studying for a huge test on Monday are very likely. What matters to most kids is that they want their names on the list when everyone talks on Monday about who went to the party.Whether we, as teenagers, want to believe it or not, if there is a party, then to feel popular and accepted into the group, we will want to go. We will want to go to have fun and be with our friends, but the greater ingredient in our decision is that on Monday morning everyone will be talk about who went and who did not. Objective facts do not deter us. People in our society today are so obsessed with being immaculate and fitting in that very few step back to picture many of us are doing things that we will someday regret.Drabbles statement applies to women laborious to gain the perfect figure. Today, the perfect shape is to be mould thin, which translates to dress sizes of 00-2. Each and every day, women all around the United States hunger themselves and become anorexic to fit into societys image of how a perfect woman should look. These women believe that no one will like them if their body does not look like that of a runway exercise and, therefore, they do whatever it takes, no matter how serious or life threatening the consequences are.Any objective observer could tell these women that they are morbidly thin, insofar the women see themselves as overweight. Many women hear about the consequences of becoming anorexic or bulimic, but, at the end of the day, the majority still choose trying to meet societal exp ectations over their own health. Many would deny that they are flying in the face of objective fact, but when it comes down to it, no matter how harsh or life threatening the consequences, many people will o anything to experience the unity within a group or cliquefrom gang membership, to being part of the in crowd, to actually starving to death to match an image. We need to take a step back and realize what we are doing to ourselves and that there is more in life than just pleasing others and trying to fit in. I believe that Drabbles statement will continue to be true unless we reach a time when everyone recognizes that we should not have to sacrifice objectivity to feel united.

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