
Friday, February 8, 2019

Solution Text Notes :: essays research papers

Chemistry Textbook Notes Solutions Chapters 13 & 14 LH 1. correct soluble, reply, solvent, solute, suspension, colloid (p.395398) Soluble- capable of being turnsolvent0 the dissolving medium in a solutionsolute- the substance dissolved in the solutionsuspension- a florilegium in which the particles in the solvent are so large that they derive out un slight the mixture is constantly stirred or stimulatecolloid- a mixture consisting of particles that are intermediate in size between those in the solutions and suspensions forming mixtures known as colloid dispersions2. Most of the time when people talk around solutions, they are referring to solids that have been dissolved in water. Describe a polar type of text=solutionsolution (see Table 131) Solutions are non limited to the unstable state, they female genitalia occur in all trinity main phases, gas, liquid, and solid. For example, the water in the air is a liquid solute dissolved in a gas solvent solid solutions inclu de brass, which is make from combining zinc with copper3. Describe two examples of colloids (see Table 132). A colloid consists of small particles 1nm to 1000nm in size that are suspended in a solid, liquid or gas. Examples include common products such as gel, a solid network extending throughout a liquid, or liquid aerosol, or otherwise known as corrupt4. What is the Tyndall effect? What can it be used to bed between? The Tyndall effect is used to distinguish between a solution and a colloid a colloid scatters light, like fog scatters the lights of a car, while a solution does not.5. Describe an experimental rule that could be used to classify a sample as a solution, colloid, or suspension. Allowing the sample to sit for an extended period of time volition reveal the suspension, as it needs to be stirred or agitated to maintain its shape. A colloid then can be differentiated from a solution by shining light through it and seeing if it scatters6. narrow electrolyte and nonelect rolyte. Electrolyte- a substance that when dissolved will apportion an electric circulating(prenominal) whileNonelectrolyte- a substance that when dissolved will not conduct an electric current7. Define saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions.Saturated solution- a solution that contains the maximum amount of dissolved soluteunsaturated solution- a solution that contains less solute than a saturated solutionSupersaturated solution- a solution that contains to a greater extent dissolved solute than a saturated solution contains under the same conditions

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