
Monday, May 13, 2019

Effective teamwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Effective teamwork - Essay ExampleOrganizations whole over the world are looking for new work structures or forms and concepts so that they can play along with their internal and external demands, and this puts them an edge over their competitors (Rosenhauer, 2009). For this reason, teams eat up become an integral tool in many organizations for the purpose of management to ensure that the external and internal demands are met. Despite the fact that non all told teams impart work well, they are known to harness the collective energy of all members and in that location demand to be proper strategies to be followed to ensure that teams are effective. Teams refer to a group of individuals who have complemental skills and committed to a common goal, which they leave alone be mutually accountable to ensure its success. Team members will come up with a distinct identity the work in concert by supporting to each one other to ensure that they achieve their set objective. Accomplish ing a task is the extent, to which a teams lastingness is determined, and teams achieve this because working together and combining the different expertise goes a long way in ensuring success of any endeavor. Successful teams will be determined by the levels team spirit, which ensure trust, wish for one another, cooperateing each other and being collaborative (West, 2004). Bringing people together does not necessarily mean that they will work effectively as a team and make the even out decisions. People in a team will come from different backgrounds, and this can be a plus or a minus depending on how the team members relate, and this means that teams can either help or frustrate the emotional or social needs of members, which determines the effectiveness of the team. Team indifference results as a product of failing to enhance good teamwork, which is likely to result to poor performance. Effective teamwork will require certain measures put in place to ensure that people who are put together work collaboratively to achieve the set ends. Resources are an important success factor for a team and forming a team whose resources, task and membership matches is paramount when considering forming a team. This is because lack of resources may result to scramble of the in stock(predicate) ones, which may cause stifles in the workforce. Good leadership is also paramount to the success of any team as the leader will coordinate the activities of the team to ensure that all members accomplish their tasks to ensure that there are no delays in delivery of the products (West, 2004). Team member commitment plays an integral part as no member will insufficiency to work more than the other members. Members should identify with their goals and ensure that they have achieved their task, which eliminates the chances of certain members feeling that they are overworked. Developing team goals plays an important role in ensuring that the members have guidance on the ends that they are supposed to meet and this gives them a shared vision, which will motivate them as they want to achieve the set goal by the allocated time. Common ownership and joint responsibility is the other determine factor of an effective team as this will ensure that team members are in unison and are determined to achieve the set

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