
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Marketing Report of the Amul Company, Including the Swot, Tows, Ifsa, Efas Essay

1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the patience The dairy farm farm farm farm patience plays an important role in the socio-economic study of India. The dairy pains in India is implemental in providing cheap nutritional food to the bulky population of India and also generates huge employment opportunities for great deal in rural places. The Department of Animal Husbandry, dairying, and Fisheries, which flags quite a littlestairs the central Ministry of Agriculture, is responsible for all the matters relating to dairy learning in the country. This department returns advice to the state governments and concretion Territories in formulating programs and policies for dairy development To keep focalisation on the dairy industry a premier institution kn throw as the National dairy farm Development Board was established. This institution is a statutory body that was established in 1987. The main header to stigmatize up the board was to accelerate the pace of dairy devel opment in the country and delineate sassy enthronements. India is a wonderland for investors looking for investment opportunities in the dairy industry. The dairy industry holds great strength for investment in India and promises high returns to the investors. The reasons why the industry has huge potential for attracting new foreign investment ar 1. in that location is a basic raw stuff and nonsense subscribe to for the dairy industry that is, take out is visible(prenominal) in abundance. 2. India has a plentiful supply of technically skilled laborers.3. There is an aristocratical availability of technological infrastructure. 4. India has all the key elements required for a free commercialise system.1.2 Company HistoryAMUL was set up in 1946 and its full form is Anand take out-producers Union Ltd. The filth Amul is a movement in dairy cooperative in India. The management of the brand name is done by the Gujarat Cooperative draw merchandise Federation Ltd (GCMMF) wh ich is a cooperative organization base in Gujarat.1.3 outline of Vision and Mission fancy liberate our farmers from economic oppression and leave them to prosperity. MISSION Dairy cooperatives of Gujarat turnover to be Rs. 27,000 crores by 2020.Objective To ensure that the maximum sh ar of the consumers rupee goes prickle to the take out producers. afterward analyzing the resource and mission of the company it is pretty sure that the company would strive to expand its distribution ne cardinalrk, would involve its work force in creative trade, plan for consumer education and harvest-homeionion innovation, would supplement effectively on rising levels, stimulate affluence among Indian consumers and would tap the rising demand for new value added products.1.4 About AMUL1.4.1 LocationAmul is locate in the Anand district which is in the state of Gujarat and it has set up itself as a model for development in the rural beas. For Amul brand has started the White Revolution of India which has helped to make the country the biggest manufacturer of draw and its by products in the building block world. Amul has around 2.6 million producer members and the total capacity for handling draw is around 10.16 million liters e genuinely sidereal day. The brandscapacity for take out drying is around 594 Mts. each day and its capacity for cattle feed manufacturing is most 2640 Mts. each day.1.4.2 point of intersection PortfolioAmul is the biggest brand in the pouched draw sector in the world and in India it is the biggest food brand. Amuls effigy of products includes take out, ghee, milk powderizes, curd, ice cream, paneer, cream, chocolate, cheese, butter, and shrikhand.1.4.3 Brand UmbrellaThe various brands of Amuls bread spreads argon Amul Lite, Amul Butter, and Delicious T open Margarine. The Brand Amuls milk drinks argon sold under various names such(prenominal) as Amul Kool, Amul Kool Cafe, Kool Koko, Amul Kool Chocolate take out, and Amul Masti Sp iced Amuls powder milk is sold under umteen an early(a)(prenominal) names like Amulya Dairy bleaching agent, Sugar Tea cocoa Whitener, Sugar Skimmed milk Powder, and Amul Instant Full Cream milk Powder.The brands cheeses are also sold under various names such as Gouda Cheese, Amul Cheese open ups, and Amul Emmental Cheese.Amul Brands desserts are sold under many names like Amul Basundi, Amul Lassee, Gulab Jamun Mix, Amul Shrikhand, and Amul Ice Creams.1.4.4 Business MarketsAmul merchandises its products to various countries such as USA, Australia, Mauritius, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, UAE, and Bangladesh.Amul has often had a special connection with the film industry. A collation of some of the shiny Amul adverts over the grades is as fol upsets-2.0 Environmental digest2.1 STEEP AnalysisThis STEEP synopsis endures toilsome information about Social, Technological, Economical, Ecological and Political aspects that effect Amul directly or indirectly.2.1.1 SocialAmul has ef fected genial change at the village level i.e. people stand in line to deliver their milk without trying to take short cuts. They do not complain if they take to stand behind an unshakable in the line. Hence, the cooperative has thus given a deathblow to the caste system in its aver way. alike Amul provided women an opportunity to work a voice in the home economy as they are the major participants in the program.2.1.2 TechnologicalGCMMFs technology scheme is characterized by four distinct components modernistic products, Process technology, Complementary assets to enhance milk production, E-commerce GCMMF was one of the first FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) firms in India to employ Internet technologies to implement B2C commerce. Customers sight order a variety of products through the Internet and be assured of timely pitching with cash consecratement upon receipt. An separate e-initiative underway is to provide farmers access to information relating to markets, tech nology and best practices in the dairy industry through net enabled kiosks in the villages. GCMMF has also implemented a Geographical randomness System (GIS) at some(prenominal) ends of the supply set up, i.e. milk collection as well as the trade process.2.1.3 EconomicalGCMMF proved that susceptibility of co-operatives can supremacyfully counter the recessionary trends of the economy in that respectby ensuring legitimate livelihood to the farmer producer and religious offering value for money products to its consumers. For the third consecutive year, it has posted a double digit growth turnover cathode-ray oscilloscopeing Rs. 6700 crores. Pandemic economic turmoil has taken its toll, as international prices of all major dairy products cast off declined drastically in recent months. However, with its sharp commission on domestic Indian market, Amul has successfully insulated Indian farmers from all the turbulence in global dairy trade. It is already providing the best emp loyment option for displaced workers from urban manufacturing sector, who after losing their jobs cod to recession, have started reverse migration from cities back to villages2.1.4 EcologicalGCMMF could foresee the impact of level the stairs normal monsoon in August 2009 itself and started planning to maintain milk production, procurance and inventory levels. Also, at a time when due to lower production of cereals, fodder prices had jumped intimately two-fold, GCMMF enhanced the supplies of cattle-feed to milk producers and maintained its prices below cost and were able to provide better returns to the milk producers to catch the stress of draught2.1.5 PoliticalTussle for the chairmanship of Gujarat Cooperative milk Marketing Federation Limited (GCMMF), the point merchandise body, emerged as the core issue among political parties. These parties planned gain entry into the cooperative hulks affairs. Mr. Bhatol, who was enjoying his second three-year term,was a consensus can didate last year, even as the main political parties failed to strike a new head. Now, barely a year after his pickings over for the second term, Mr. Bhatol is under pressure to relinquish the office.2.2 Issue Priority ground substanceFig 1 Issue Priority Matrix for Amul2.3 Porters Five Forces mannikinFig 2 Porters Five Forces Model1. Bargaining Power of SuppliersGCMMF is a cooperative, which means it lends business by collecting from large number of single(a) farmers who rely upon the cooperative to give them better price for their produce. Therefore the bargaining power of such suppliers is low. twenty dollar bill nine lakhs milk producers gain higher profits only through the co-operative which in turn drives down their bargaining power.2. Bargaining Power of BuyersThere are already other co-operatives existing in India, having their own established brands, which reduce the loyalty of current clients, thereby increasing their bargaining power.3. Rivalry Among CompetitorsThe m arket is passing competitive, existence of several(prenominal) players which have already established channels and partners constantly push the envelope. The competition exists locally, nationally and internationally.4. Threat From SubstituteAlthough no real substitute exist for milk, however competition offers low priced products as well as variety, from skimmed milk to full cream as well as milk powder.5. Barriers To EntryThe competition among existing players is truly intense and grown over the years from collection of much(prenominal) and more producers. The producers only supply to such established brands due to their reach and ability to maximize profits. Also the industry is capital intensive along with several legal barriers. Although an innovative2.4 Industry MatrixKey winner Factors Weight Amul Amul Score Mother Mother Dairy Weighted Score 1. Strong supply chain partnerships 2. Efficient concord and coordination of the network 3. High returns for the suppliers 4. Use of technology to solve enigmas 5. theme 6. Marketing 7. Product quality 8. Wide product portfolio 9. Investment and resources 10. Product availability 0.10 4.0 0.40 3.0 0.30 4.0 0.40 0.05 4.0 0.20 4.0 0.20 3.5 0.17 0.03 0.04 0.20 0.25 0.18 2.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.075 0.12 1 1.25 0.90 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 0.90 0.16 0.80 0.625 0.63 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 0.15 0.16 1 1.25 0.72 0.05 3.5 0.175 4.0 0.20 3.5 0.17 0.05 4.0 0.20 5.0 0.25 5.0 0.25 0.05 4.0 0.20 5.0 0.25 5.0 0.25 Rating hold tight reformment ScoreThe key success factors of Amul in the industry usurp industry rivals ability to expand in the competition, raw material availability, packaging, cost, marketing, product function, reputation & credibility, quality and others. These factors are very diminutive and all players like have to control over them. They change from time to time and affect the finances and the competition.The current industry matrix puts Nestle at the top among others. Although the matrix is not unadulte rated and does not include all market conveying companies, it still shows where the gaps are and the critical success factors. Nestle takes the lead beca affair of high quality products and aggressive marketing, also the standards and technology used by Nestle is maestro than Amul or Mother Dairy, which are domestic brands. Products availability is important factor, since even one miss pushes the customer to seek a diametric competitor. Amul however is not far behind and can catch up in areas of technology and marketing.2.4 Key Success FactorsThe key success factors of the Amul industry are those things that affect industry members ability to prosper in the market place-accessibility to raw materials, packaging cost focus, Advertisement, product design, reputation & credibility, quality control, strategic alliances, are ultimately so important that all firms in the industry must pay close attention to them. These key factors of success are critical in the dairy industry inparticu lar, as they are the factors that shape whether a company ordain be financially and competitively successful. These critical factors may vary from time to time within the industry as driving forces and competitive conditions change. After calculating the weighted score for all three companies, it seems that Nestle has got the highest weighted score compared to the other two companies. This is because Nestle is able to achieve a high score in product availability success factor and Advertisement success factor. Nestle plays a lead role in advertisement. Their marketing strategy is to reach each and every one through advertisements. They spend a lot in legal injury of Advertisements. While good go awaying plays an important role for Amul, as its been in the market from past three generations, so the advertisement is the to the lowest degree role for their strategy. Still Amul does come up with taglines of movies and current affairs.3.0 Factor Analysis3.1 Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS)Internal factors Strengths1. Wide diversity of 0.15 5.0 0.75 Expansion opportunities 0.15 0.10 5.0 4.5 0.75 0.45 low general be market leader available products 2. Economies of scale 3. Largest co-operativeWeightRatingWeighted ScoreCommentsfor milk products 4. Strong supply chain 5. Leading national player 0.05 0.05 4.0 3.5 0.20 0.17 Strong network wide consumer jut outWeaknesses1. Lack of scalability 2. Low control over milk yield 3. out-migration delay 4. Inferior technology 5. Low investment Total 0.15 0.10 0.10 1.00 3.5 3.5 2.5 0.52 0.35 0.25 3.86 0.10 0.05 3.0 2.5 0.30 0.12 Saturation Bovine Population Road Infrastructure Old technology No newer investmentsIn the last few years, the cooperative has successfully launched several new product lines, which have been popular among different age groups. In order to leverage from their distribution network, to optimize market inspection expenditures, to achieve increasing efficiency enchantment keeping the distribu tion infrastructure lean, focused and productive, the amalgamation of its different distribution networks was done. Control over supply chain with industry best practices makes Amul the market leader in dairy products in India. Amul has 14 nominated social cohesion, employment opportunities, societal infrastructure, milch animal rearing practices, hygienics and sanitation sensation through safe milk concepts etc. Milk products create an inherent helplessness, which is perishability. The product can lose quality in a small time compass, therefore several other strengths relating to storage, movement and related logistics have to be improved. Another weakness is that some of the products are very less-traveled and cannot compete with other players this weakness is in terms of frozen products, which are considered low in quality. The marketing for these products is missing and does not appropriately position it. Technology and transportation remain basic weaknesses which mar the eff iciency of the entire supply chain.3.2 External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)As a Global enterprise, Amul lead be incuring global demands and ensure greater productivity and the opportunity to enhance integration in order to enlarge efficiency and effectiveness in the business. It already has wide geographic positions and hence this will give it an advantage to get access to gain presence in mature markets. Efforts to exploit export potential arealready on, as Amul is exporting to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and the Middle East. By following the new GATT treaty, opportunities have increased tremendously for the export of agri-products in general and dairy products in particular. Local competitors are the major problem facing by Amul. They sell their products at a lower price, since being a low capital company they have fewer expenses to take care of. Secondly as the environmental costs are rising day by day, its getting tough to carry the same set throughout. Thus cutting d own the extra cost will surely help. Adulteration is also a major threat to quality that takes place due to illiterate farmers from remote villages.3.3 Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS)There are certain strategic factors, which are with a long-term mission, and some need to be addressed in the short term. There are other factors, which do not fall into either of the terms mentioned above they are classified as average term. 163.3.1 Short statusThe strategic factors that the company needs to satisfy in the short run are Economies of scale as it can change by building few more storage capacity at their new projects. This will also benefit in global expansion of the company. As short term defines a period of a year or so, the solution should be found within a year for a proper success.3.3.2 Intermediate experimental conditionThe strategic factors that the company needs to consider during this term are lower yield management, supply chain demand and rising environmental costs. These are classified into intermediate continuance because the company must be able to overcome its weaknesses, make use of the opportunities and defeat the threats. whole this must be done at the right time to ensure efficient results. In this graphic symbol the factors are such that the earliest (short term) might not be the best decision to make, as the duration might not be sufficient to overcome all the issues with a clear outlay.3.3.3 Long TermThe strategic factors that the company needs to satisfy during this period are the strength of having a wide range of products. They must be able to continue to maintain many products varieties and build on them efficiently. Using R & D ( investigate and Development) to overcome the problem of pasteurization as well as satisfying growing global demand is not an easy task and hence requires time and efficiency to bear the needs globally. cash in ones chips but not least is overcoming the threat of competitors in the long run.4.0 SWO T Analysis4.1 StrengthsDemand write Absolutely optimistic. Milk being a necessity product, thedemand will stay and the sales at GCMMF are bound to increase over a period of time. Margins Quite reasonable, even on jam-packed liquid milk. The margins are enough Flexibility of product mix Tremendous. With balancing equipment, GCMMF Availability of raw material Abundant. Presently, more than 80 per cent of to limit the entry of potential entrants.has kept adding a wide set out of products to its product line. milk produced is flowing into the unorganized sector, which requires proper channelization. Amul & GCMMF have leveraged this and has got itself a strong base of suppliers who provide them milk throughout the year. Large number of dairy make ups in public and cooperative sectors besides several others coming up in the private sector would result in competition. Because of this the end consumer would benefit and a good product mix would emerge. Technical manpower overlordly train ed, technical human resource pool,reinforced over last 30 years is the strength that GCMMF has. The employees of GCCMF are highly recognized in the industry and have earned name for themselves as well as the confederation. Enhanced milk production change magnitude in the milk production with consequentlyincreased availability of milk processing has led to increase in consumption and faster access to the consumers through effective distribution. The technology is brought from Denmark and the production of milk has benefited from that. Transportation The transportation facilities and the easy availability of thespecial trucks have provided a boost. Cold refrigerated trucks are there in place and the warehouses also have the iciness storage facilities that facilitate the transportation. Vast resources Country has vast natural resources which offer immensepotential growth and development for dairying. Moreover the financial resources available with the federation are immense and the reputation is such that in case of any further unavoidablenesss, it can approach any institution and raise any form of capital.Increasing purchase power and changing tastes of the consumers The acquire power of the residents is increasing. As a result a lot of products are being consumed. Moreover, the consuming habits are changing. Asa result, the demand for products such as butter and cheese is increasing at a very rapid rate.4.2 WeaknessesPerishability Pasteurization has overcome this weakness partially. UHT givesmilk long life. Still perishability is there at the milk vendors end. This does result in loss of some production. But Amul Dairy is taking steps to store milk at the vendors end. Surely, many new processes will follow to improve milk quality and extend its shelf life. Lack of control over yield Theoretically, there is little control over milk yield.A lot depends upon the monsoon in the country. This is because of the quality of cattle feed that would be available will not have the required nutritional content. Steps are taken to provide awareness regarding these and the penetration of quality feed is being increased. Moreover, increased awareness of developments like embryo transplant, artificial insemination and decent managed animal husbandry practices, coupled with higher income to rural milk producers should automatically lead to improvement in milk yields. Logistics of procurement Woes of bad roads and inadequate transportationfacility make milk procurement problematic. All these factors lead to perishability of the procured milk. But with the overall economic improvement in India, these problems would also get solved. grotesque power supply The erratic power supply would cause harm in the Underdeveloped systems There still exist underdeveloped raw milk collectionprocessing of milk.systems in some split of the country. However steps are being taken such as setting up of cold storage points at key collection centers to combat the situation . Lack of proper implementation Dairy development programmes have notbeen fully implemented as per the needs of the region in different agro-climatic zones.Infrastructure The infrastructure that is available is not up to the current world Also lack of infrastructure for offering dairy business managementstandards.programmes to the trained personnel is creating a hindrance.4.3 OpportunitiesFailure is never final, and success never ending. Dr Kurien bears out this statement perfectly. He entered the industry when there were only threats. He met failure headon, and at a time he clearly is an example of never ending success. If dairy entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities in India, the following areas must be tapped Competition With so many newcomers entering this industry, competition isbecoming tougher day by day. But then competition has to be faced as a ground reality. The market is large enough for many to carve out their niche. Moreover due to competition, there is a take c hances to better serve the market with innovative products. Value addition There is a phenomenal scope for innovations in productdevelopment, packaging and presentation. Given below are potential areas of value addition oSteps should be taken to introduce value-added products like shrikhand, ice creams, paneer, khoa, flavored milk, dairy sweets, etc. This will lead to a greater presence and flexibility in the market place along with opportunities in the sphere of influence of brand building.Addition of cultured products like yoghurt and cheese lend further strength two in terms of utilization of resources and presence in the market place.Yet another aspect can be the addition of infant foods, geriatric foods and nutritional.Export potential Efforts to exploit export potential are already on. Amul isexporting to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and the Middle East. Following the new GATT treaty, opportunities will increase tremendously for the export of agri-products in general and dairy products in particular. There is a strong basis of cost efficiency, which GCMMF can leverage in the world market. Markets The market for the traditional as wells as processed dairy products isexpanding both at the domestic and international front.IT support Software is now available for project formulation for dairyenterprise. It has also computerized its production processes. Mother Dairy was the first fully computerized dairy in India. In its Anand plant all products are processed computerized, which does not have any hand touch during any pegleg of process.4.4 ThreatsMilk vendors, the un-organized sector Today milk vendors are occupyingthe pride of place in the industry. Organized public moving-picture show of information about the harm that they are doing to producers and consumers should see a steady decline in their importance. pestis There are increasing incidents of chemical contaminants as well as Quality The quality of the milk is found to be poor as compared to theresidual antibiotics in milk.international standards. One of the reasons for these according to the EU and America is the method of milching the milk. In these nations the milk is hands by the farmers owning the cattle do milched with the help of machines, while in India. Exploitation The liberalization of the Dairy Industry is likely to be exploited bythe multinationals. They will be interested manufacturing the milk products,which yield high profits. It will create milk shortage in the country adversely affecting the consumers. Subsidy by Western Nations There have been incidences wherein theWestern nations subsidizing the dairy products by a few means like transportation. Because of such reasons the final price of the product goes below the prices prevailing in the Indian Market. Hence it proves a threat to GCMMFs and other Indian dairy products. Creation of Non Tariff Barriers by Developed Nations The DevelopedNations have created Non Tariff Barriers related to Quality of th e milk specifically. They want that the milk be processed with potable Air and Water. They also want that the milching of cattle be done with the help of machines. However this type if system is yet to evolve in India. Because of these reasons they are reduce the market potential of Indian made products, where GCMMF holds a lions share.The study of this SWOT analysis shows that the strengths and opportunities far outweigh weaknesses and threats. Strengths and opportunities are fundamental and weaknesses and threats are transitory. Any investment idea can do well only when you have three essential ingredients Entrepreneurship (the ability to take risks), Innovative approach (in product lines and marketing) and Values (of quality/ethics).5.0 TOWS Analysis5.1 SO Strategies (Maxi-Maxi)Amul can use the strategies that have been formed after in-depth strategic analysis of the company and its industry. Some suggestions in this casewould be to increase productivity by utilise cost effecti ve manufacturing techniques. Also, increase demand for their products world over by first gaining more exposure to the global market. With the use of expansion strategy, it can overcome the location issue, as Amul can expand more areas and it will make the distribution of channel areas easier and convenient.5.2 ST Strategies (Maxi-Mini)Amul must put into action some of these strategic options to meet the threats using its strengths. Product differentiation is very important to differentiate Amul from the competitors, as it can tackle down the competitors product if Amul products are more outstanding and different from its competitors. Options available can be classified as product elimination and diversification strategy, value marketing strategy and also growing hygienic processing facilities. These are some of the main areas of focus under this section.5.3 WO Strategies (Mini-Maxi)The strategies formulated to overcome the weakness through opportunities are increase of opportunity through new GATT treaty, develop new process to improve the quality and shelf life of milk and milk products, this can be achieved through pasteurization, homogenization and many other processes like producing UHT milk etc. finally to also increase awareness of scientific developments.5.4 WT Strategies (Mini-Maxi)The strategies that have been formed to overcome the weakness and threats in Amul company and the dairy industry as a whole are to apply efficient and economical procurement of products. Secondly, to have control over the logistics and to maintain them efficiently. Lastly, create the right type of product positioning for the various product categories that Amul deals with.6.0 corporate and Operational Strategies6.1 Corporate schemeThe strategic factor that the company satisfies is the strength of having a wide range of products. They must be able to continue to maintain many products varieties and build on them efficiently. Using R & D to overcome the problem of pasteuri zation as well as satisfying growing global demand is not an easy task and hence requires time and efficiency to meet the needs globally. Last but not least is overcoming the threat of competitors in the long run. Recent Strategic choice of Amul consist of moving consumers from lose milk to packaged milk and gradually move them up the value chain, strong supply chain design and improving the socio-economic condition of the consumer anchors the desire to enhance lifestyle.Placing a product in that part of the market where it will receive a favorable reception compared to competing products is the most recent strategy implemented by Amul. In case of Amul it has a positioning strategy and it is The taste of India. This had created value for everyone in value chain, be it customers or the suppliers/farmers. The USP for Amul is Quality with affordability, which appeals to most of the targeted markets. Amul positioned itself with Indias first pro-biotic wellness ice cream and sugar free d elights for diabetics.This was based on good strategies of positioning which helps increase awareness and also improve brand image. They expanded their products in terms of those that can be used even by those who are restricted from consumption due to medical reasons. Amul also priced their products such that it made competitor Kwality Walls rethink their marketing/pricing strategy. This type of product positioning has proved beneficial to Amul and so they must come up with many more of such ideas and products that can help them move forward.6.2 Operational Strategy6.2.1 Marketing StrategiesGCMMF has become very popular because of its clear marketing strategy. GCMMF marketing strategy is to understand the consumer needs, develop products that provide superior value at fewer prices. GCMMF has shown a tremendous commitment to the floodwater situations. GCMMF has never stopped the supply of milk and other milk products. And distant other competitors, it has never taken wrong benefit s in these kinds of situations. It has developed an excellent distribution channel to provide its products to the consumers. It has made its products available in each part of Gujarat & India. GCMMF has an excellent distribution. It is its distribution channel, which has made it so popular. GCMMFs products like milk and milk products are perishable. It becomes that much important for them to have a good distribution. interlocutor r Retailer ConsumerFig 3 Distribution ChartThe products change hands for three quantify before it reaches to the final consumer. First of all the products are stored at the Agents end who are mere facilitators in the network. Then the products are sold to wholesale dealers who then sell to retailers and then the product finally reaches the consumers.6.2.2 pay StrategiesFinancial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of the firms financial resources. Finance is nothing to other but the money. Money is n ecessary input for economic activities. In the other wards Finance is the common denominator for carrying out vast range of corporate objectives. This is a co-operativeunit, so the finance is elevated from members by a way of share capital. In this share capital is limited. This unit has invested so many rupees in the structure of organization. Amul has a long-term finance project. Financial Details Name of Bankers1. The Kaira District primal Co-operative Bank Ltd. 2. State Bank of India 3. State Bank of Saurashtra 4. UTI Bank Ltd 5. Corporate Bank6.2.3 Human alternative StrategyThe success to any industrial unit depends upon their effective personnel department. Personnel department is fundamentally commercial with human resource of an enterprise and it also continues procurement, development, non-monetary comparison, integration and maintenance of the personnel purpose of donation towards the accomplishment of the organizations major goal and objectives. Amuls recruitme nt and selection process is very systematic and comprehensive. All division head in inform about their manpower requirements. According to the requirement of the personnel division they get require employees by resources like postal services employment commuting education institution and advertisement. Amul Dairy receives lots of coats in response to their advertisement. These forms contain general information about the candidates. Then forms are to be checked 27by authorized person and after scrutinizing divert the unqualified applications. Short listed Applicants are called for personal interview. Interview committee conducts this interview. When applicants are too many, then they conduct a written test. Those who pass this test are called for interview and are selected on the basis of sharp selection process. Sources of Recruitment By giving advertisement in news papers Labour Union Voluntary Organization Leasing Contract Private Employment Agency Government Em ployment Exchange School, Colleges, Universities and Professional Institutes Recommendation of present Employee Recruitment as Temporary Workers7.0 Future Strategies Expanding the processing and packaging capacity to meet growing demands. In a bid to pump up volumes, Amul is also extending its distribution network to reach new markets. The core strategy is to further consolidate the operations in existing markets which includes Kolkata. Also, it is beefing up the marketing and advertising strategy to sustain its leadership. The companys long term strategy also includes rifle into South India. To achieve and maintain competitive advantage, innovation in product design and delivery are increasingly essential. To innovate at each stage in value chain production, procurement, processing, marketing and branding. entranceway Dairy Demonstration Project which is a collective effort of the Union and Bank. The project envisages encouraging the farmers to use high yielding animals and modern aids to increase production.8.0 References1. Bowonder, B. Prasad, Raghu Kotla, Anup, International Journal of Services Technology & Management, 2005, ICT application in a dairy industry the eexperience of Amul. 2. Dairy Industries International, Aug2007, Amul becomes top Indian co-operative. 3. Dr. Kurien., Amul, The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. Anand, 50 Years of Milk & Health. 4. Goldberg, Ray A., Knoop, Carin-Isabel, Sunder, Srinivas Ramdas, Harvard Business School Cases, Nov 1998, Amul and Indias National Dairy Development Board. 5. Bellur, Venkatakrishna V. Singh, Saraswathi P. Chaganti, Radharao Chaganti, Rajeswararao. Long seethe Planning, December b1990, The White Revolution How Amul Brought Milk to India. 6. Manikutty, S., Asian Case Research Journal, Dec2002, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF). 7. Wheelen, Thomas L. and Hunger, David J, Concepts in strategic management and business policy, 12th edition. 8. Scholes and Whittington, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th edition.8.1 Web References1. www.amul.com/ 2. www.business.mapsofindia.com/sectors/manufacturing/amul.html 3. www.gcmmf.coop/ 4. www.nddb.org9.0 Appendix9.1 List of Products MarketedBread Spreads Amul Butter Amul Lite Low Fat Breadspread Amul cookery ButterCheese RangeAmul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese Amul Processed Cheese Spread Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese Amul Emmental Cheese Amul Gouda Cheese Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese), Frozen, Refrigerated and Tinned absolutely Delicious PizzaMithaee Range (Ethnic Sweets) Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom) Amul Amrakhand Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix Avsar LadoosUHT Milk RangeAmul Shakti 3% fecund Milk Amul Taaza 1.5% deep Milk Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk Amul Lite Slim-n-Trim Milk 0% fat milk Amul Shakti Toned Milk Amul Fresh Cream 31Amul Snowcap Softy Mix minute GheeAmul Pure Ghee Sagar Pure Ghee Amul Cow GheeAmul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months) Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 (6 months above) Amulspray Infant Milk FoodMilk Powders Amul Full Cream Milk Powder Amulya Dairy Whitener Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder Sagar Tea and Coffee WhitenerSweetened Condensed MilkAmul Mithaimate Sweetened Condensed MilkFresh MilkAmul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat Amul Shakti Standardized Milk 4.5% fat Amul Slim & Trim Double Toned Milk 1.5% fat Amul Saathi Skimmed Milk 0% fat Amul Cow MilkYogi Sweetened Flavored Dahi ( confection) Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd) Amul Butter MilkRoyal Treat Range (Rajbhog, Cappuchino, Chocochips, Butterscotch, Tutti Frutti)Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Drakshi, Kesar Pista, Roasted Almond, KesarCarnival, Badshahi Badam Kulfi, Shista Pista Kulfi)Utsav Range (Anjir, Roasted Almond) Simply Delicious Range (Vanilla, Strawberry, Pineapple, Rose, Chocolate) Natures Treat (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Blac k Currant)Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Chocolate, Strawberry) millenary Ice cream (Cheese with Almonds, Dates with Honey) Milk Bars (Chocobar, Mango Dolly, Raspberry Dolly, Shahi Badam Kulfi,Shahi Pista Kulfi, Mawa Malai Kulfi, Green Pista Kulfi)Cool Candies (Orange, Mango) Cassatta Tricone cone shapes (Butterscotch, Chocolate) Megabite Almond Cone Frostik 3 layer chocolate Bar Fundoo Range exclusively for kids SlimScoop Fat Free Frozen Dessert (Vanilla, Banana, Mango, Pineapple) Health IsabcoolChocolate & Confectionery Amul Milk Chocolate Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate Brown boozingNutramul Malted Milk FoodMilk Drink Amul Kool Flavoured MilkHealth BeverageAmul Shakti White Milk FoodReady to Serve SoupsMasti Tomato Soup Masti Hot & Sour SoupRecently launchedAmul Ganthiya

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