
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

systems analysis :: essays research papers

Overview.The process is designed to handle the interaction with customers and suppliers, and also deals with stock control. throwaway and payment information is recorded.For clarity I have noted down the followingHead Office consists of- intersection pointion ManagementFinanceSales A topical anesthetic first consists of-A Local OfficeWarehouseDistributionPreliminary mention of Entities.In my top-down analysis of the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals scenario, I have first attempt to produce a preliminary list of candidate entities. These are as follows customer node evidenceCustomer InvoiceSales-Occurs only once so isnt includeProductProduct set upSupplierSupplier InvoiceFinance-Occurs only once so isnt includedLocal BranchLocal Office-Is part of Local Branch so isnt includedDistribution-Is part of Local Branch so isnt includedWarehouse-Is part of Local Branch so isnt included extendThe following page shows my list of probable entitiesList of Probable Entities.CustomerCustomer OrderCustomer InvoiceProductProduct OrderSupplierSupplier InvoiceLocal BranchStockDescriptions and expected essential attributes for the above entitiesSince the system analysis is focused on dealing with customers, suppliers and handling convergences, I have included all entities which I believe participate in these activities.CustomerDescriptionRetail chemist shops or pharmacies associated with shops, hospitals or medical practices. All require a supply of products from the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals system.AttributesCustomer ID-Identifying attributeName solicitTelephone NumberFax Numbere-mailContact NameDelivery AddressCredit RatingCustomer OrderDescriptionAn order placed by the Customer requesting the delivery of product.AttributesOrder Number-Identifying attributeCustomer IDProduct IDQuantityCustomer InvoiceDescriptionAn invoice sent to the Customer from the Finance department, requesting payment for the delivered goods.AttributesInvoice Number-Identifying attributeOrder IDD ateAmount to be paidProductDescriptionAn item that is supplied by the Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals system.AttributesProduct ID-Identifying attributeNameDescriptionCategory-(A,B,C or D)Stock Item-(Yes or No)Product OrderDescriptionAn order that is sent to either the Supplier (if it is a non-stock item) or a Local Branch (if it is a stocked item), requesting the delivery of a product to a customer.AttributesOrder Number- Identifying attributeDateProductCustomer IDQuantitySupplierDescriptionA company that is able to supply a range of products to Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals. Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals does not manufacture any of its products, but instead, uses suppliers who either produce or procure the products.AttributesSupplier ID-Identifying attributeNameAddressTelephone NumberFax Numbere-mailSupplier InvoiceDescriptionAn invoice that is sent by the supplier to Metropolitan Pharmaceuticals requesting payment for the product it has provided.AttributesInvoice Number-Identifying att ributeDateAmount to be paidLocal BranchDescriptionA local outlet that contains a Local Office, a Warehouse and a Distribution Center.AttributesBranch ID-Identifying attributeNameAddressTelephone NumberStockDescriptionA full size up of products that are held in stock at the local branch.AttributesStock ID-Identifying attributeProduct IDLocation-eg. Shelf numberQuantityRe-Order levelEntity Links or Dependencies.Now to identify which pairs of entities have an association between themselves.Customer is related to Customer OrderJustificationCustomer places Customer OrderCustomer Order is placed by Customer

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