
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Toxic Water Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toxic piddle - Article exampleDuring the last quint years there have been over 500,000 violations to the comely peeing Act. The Clean body of water Act was created in 1977. The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the fall in States and regulating quality standards for surface waters (Epa). The problem with the water impart in many part of the United States is a major health epidemic that must be dealt with. The biggest loser right right off of the issues associated with the polluted water in many regions of the United States is the consumer. The ototoxic water is causing serious illnesses including nookiecer, colored damage, and damage to the nervous system. The reason the water is causing these diseases is because the water has high concentrations of toxins and chemicals such as arsenic, barium, lead, atomic number 25 within the water. The problem was not caused by forces of nature, it is man m ade. Many large corporations argon violating the Clean Water Act by improper disposing of chemical waste which is reaching our rivers, lagoons, and lakes. The economic consequences of this problem are scary. The incidence of cancer could increase significantly if corrections are not taken to deal with the issue. Clay Massey, a six year old kid, suffer from scabs in his arms, chest, and legs that were caused by the toxic water in his region. The economic problems that the toxic water is causing are huge because thousands if not millions of Americans are getting sick repayable to low quality water. The healthcare system in America is already suffering from inflationary forces. The toxic water epidemic will further cause higher inflation as more hatful begin to get sick from the polluted water. The quality of life of many Americans is going down as they are been forced to purchase bottle gallons of water. A gallon of purified water cost around $1 and each person is supposed to cons ume a minimum of one gallon per day. A family of five people would have to spend at least $150 dollars a month just on bottled water to meet their minimal water consumption needs. One of the problems with the controversy is that there is no sheer(a) certainty that the polluted water is causing cancer since the real factors or variables that cause cancer are unknown, but in regards to dental care it has been proven that the toxic water is deteriorating the teeth and its enamel. The U.S. water utilities companies can reach market efficiency only if they provide a quality product that people are satisfied with. Many Americans do not understand how is it possible that the United States which one of the richest countries in the origination with a gross domestic product per capita of $46,300 could be facing so many problems with its water supply in so many locations in America (CultureGrams). Many corporations are violating EPA regulation including the Clean Water Act by failing to repo rt emission dumping toxins in the earths ecosystem. The Clean Water Act strictly limits and monitors 91 chemicals or contaminants in tap water. Many states are debate that they need more funding from the federal government to deal with the problem of water contamination. This is a rattling serious issue because people are getting sick from drinking tap water and in some cases the pollution is so severe that exposure to water during showers is causing allergic reactions in the undress of humans. The United States Congress and President

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