
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Week #2 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 2 - oblige ExampleThis shows that independence is really an asset when used well.A nonher thing I have learnt is that if you entrust in a value a motion you have to stand up for it, invest your duration and money in it, and be smart about it. Without effort (which is basically time and money) a cause volition remain just an idea that is worthless unless it is followed up. Still on rascal 126, we are told how since Lancie Clippinger did not invest in expensive specialized equipment, he was able to modify his ways to suit his wishes and circumstances. This talent appear coincidental, but it is clear from the book that Clippinger is really just a smart and dedicated populace who knows what he wants and goes for it. Had he been half-hearted in his approach to the venture, he would not have invested so wisely.On page 120, we are told that Lancie Clippinger is an intelligent man who understood the value of his own thinking and paying attention, and who understood distinctly t hat the profit is in the difference between costs and earnings, and who proceeded directly to minimize his costs. This spells out other very important lesson, that it is vital to understand what we are doing. This is only possible if we have passion for what we do, which will allow us to act in an intelligent manner like

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