
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Slavery :: Slavery Essays

           unfreeze Slavery     Reparations are intended to make up for the unjustified actions of the past. By doing so, it punishes the people of today to make up for the actions from the people in the past. Should a person in todays generation plunk for for the actions of our ancestors? Should ace collect special benefits for the suffering of their ancestors? By offering special benefits, would it conclude or make up for the unfairness of bondage? African Americans did suffer in the past from the injustice of slavery. Take in mind that it was the past, and the injustice of slavery does non affect African Americans in todays day and quantify. White Americans in todays day and time did not own or have anything to do with slavery. If one was to be punished or receive special benefits it should be the people that slavery directly affected.     In the history of the United States the American Indian s were slaughtered, and are understood collecting for the injustice actions of the past. America is still providing help, and handing out special benefits. American Indians receive special benefits such as land being correct aside called reservations, allowed to put up casinos, and are able to receive acquaintance funds for college with fewer qualifications. The experience that the American Indians went through was a accord worse than the experience that the African Americans faced. In both cases I turn over that the people of today should not have to feel guilty for the actions of their ancestors.      If the Unites States create reparations program for the injustice of slavery of African Americans it would create no cracking but only conflict. Two wrongs do not make a right. Punishing the people of today for the actions of the past creates reverse racialism. Its entirely stating that because one is African American that he or she deserves special benefi ts. It forms racism towards other races. It is saying that just because one is not African American that they do not deserve to receive special treatment, and that they are not as good as African Americans. African Americans today were never slaves, nor were white Americans today slave owners. African Americans have recovered from slavery, and do not need any extra help. It is more satisfying to come upon something on ones own.

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