
Friday, February 1, 2019

What Is Anthropology? How Is It Done? Essay -- Anthropology Essays

What Is Anthropology? How Is It Done?People enter the field of anthropology for a salmagundi of reasons. Some people enter the field by accident. This means that they did non intend on becoming an anthropologist. Some people were interested in the field from the start. One person married a social anthropologist and, subsequently living with a group of people for two years wrote an descriptive anthropology about the people.The first story is about Adrienne Zihlman. She is a paleoanthropologist. She collects all kinds of swot up so, she can contrive and test ideas about the origins of humans by perusing the remains of living things (Shell 199137). Zihlman went to Miami University of Ohio, where she decided to major in anthropology after read Margaret Meads book, Coming of Age in Samoa (Shell 199138). Since Miami University didnt have an anthropology department, she transferred to the University of Colorado (Shell 199138). After graduating in 1962, she went to do graduate work at B erkeley (Shell 199138). This is where she decided to focus herself on finding out how our ancestors began to walk (Shell 199138).Zihlman has ideas about how we came to be that are remote to what most people believe (Shell 199137). Zihlman says that tasks stainless by females, like forage gathering and infant care, were as equally likely as chase by males, to have been the cause for bipedalism and social relationships (Shell 199137& unsure38). When she started her doctoral research, she had the belief that two&SHYlegged walking came to be to cease more efficient movement on long hunting trips (Shell 199138). Zihlman completed her thesis in 1967 and started thinking that there was something wrong with the male prevail theories about the past (S... ...rchaeology, Encyclopedia of heathen Anthropology, Vol. 1., Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1996, Pgs. 74. Durrenberger, E. Paul, ethnography, Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 2, Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1996, Pg s. 416&SHY419. Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock, Guests of the Sheik, Doubleday, New York, 1965, Pgs. ix&SHY5. Lee, Richard B., The Dobe Ju/hoansi, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Philadelphia, 1993, Pgs. iii & 2. Reimer, Toni&SHYTripp, Nursing, Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 3, Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1996, Pgs. 877,879&SHY880). Rosenthal, Elisabeth, The Forgotten Female, Discover, December 1991, Pgs.23&SHY27. Shell, Ellen Ruppel, Flesh & Bone, Discover, December 1991, Pgs. 37&SHY42. Winick, Charles, Dictionary of Anthropology, philosophical Library, New York, 1956, Pgs.398,436.

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